How to build an on-demand delivery app in 2024

Are you a business owner and losing profit to your competitors just because of you are unable to provide on-demand delivery to your customers? If your answer is yes, then you have landed in the right place. 

On-demand delivery offers a seamless way to get anything from food to groceries, to medicines, to electronic items and more right to the customer's doorstep. And that too with just a tap on the smartphone. This is called convenience.

As per Statista, the on-demand delivery app market is projected to reach $200 billion by 2025. 

This explosive growth is driven by changing consumer behavior and the increasing demand for instant gratification.

An on-demand delivery app presents a lucrative opportunity for local businesses to tap into this rapidly growing market. However, building such an app can be daunting, requiring careful planning, development, and ongoing maintenance. 

And in this blog, you will discover the two approaches to building an on-demand delivery app in 2024 in less time and money. 

The Traditional Approach: Building from Scratch

If you're a business owner looking to take advantage of the on-demand delivery trend, you might be considering building an on-demand delivery app from scratch. 

This approach offers complete control and customization, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Planning and Research

Before starting the development journey of an on-demand delivery app, you need to lay a solid foundation. 

First, start by identifying your target audience and understanding their needs and preferences through market research. This will help you identify gaps and opportunities in your local area.

Next, define the features of on-demand delivery app and the functionalities that you want it should offer. Ask questions like; 

  • Will it be a multi-service platform or focused on a specific niche? 

  • How will you handle payments, tracking, customer support, and other essential features? 

These are just a few questions you need to answer.

Once you have a clear vision, develop a comprehensive business plan and monetization strategy. After all, an app is a business, and you need to ensure its profitability.

  • Identify target audience and market needs

  • Define app features and functionalities

  • Develop a business plan and monetization strategy

App Development

Once you are done with planning, you can dive into the development process. And here, the real challenge begins. 

Building an on-demand delivery app from scratch requires a skilled team of developers proficient in various technologies, such as;

  • Mobile app development

  • Server-side programming

  • Database management and more

Furthermore, the development process involves several stages, including 

  • Design

  • Coding

  • Testing

  • And deployment

Each stage requires careful attention to detail and adherence to best practices to ensure a seamless user experience.

As Arash Pendari, the founder of Vantage Circle, puts it, "Building an app from scratch is like building a house from scratch. You need architects, engineers, and a team of skilled workers to make it happen."

Launch and Maintenance

After months of development, it's finally time to launch your on-demand delivery app. But the journey doesn't end there.

You'll need to market your app effectively to attract users and partner with various businesses to offer their products and services on your platform. 

Additionally, you'll need to continuously monitor user feedback and update the app with new features, bug fixes, and security patches.

Maintaining an on-demand delivery app is an ongoing process that requires dedicated resources and a consistent budget for updates, support, and marketing.

The Modern Approach: Leveraging White-Label Solutions

While building an on-demand delivery app from scratch is a viable option, it's not the only path to success. 

In recent years, white-label solutions have emerged as a game-changer in the on-demand delivery app market. It offers a faster, more cost-effective, and scalable approach.

Time and Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of using a white-label solution is the time and cost savings it offers. Instead of spending months (or even years) building an app from scratch, you can launch your on-demand delivery app in a matter of days or weeks.

According to a study by Clutch, building a custom app from scratch can cost anywhere between $30,000 and $700,000, depending on the complexity and features. 

In contrast, white-label solutions typically offer a subscription-based pricing model. This makes them more cost-effective, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Customization and Scalability

Contrary to popular belief, white-label solutions don't mean sacrificing customization. Most reputable providers offer a range of customization options like; 

  • Brand the app with your company's logo

  • Colors

  • And messaging

This ensures a consistent brand experience for your customers.

Furthermore, white-label solutions are designed to be scalable. This scalability enables you to add or remove features as your business grows based on the market demands and customer needs. 

Ongoing Support and Updates

When you build an app from scratch, you're responsible for maintaining and updating it yourself. It means you will have to keep the developers employed till you run the application. And offer them proper wages, pay for the infrastructure cost, and more. 

This can be a daunting task, especially if you lack the necessary resources and expertise.

On the other hand, a white-label solution provider handles all updates, bug fixes, and ongoing maintenance. This frees up your time and resources to focus on growing your business and delivering exceptional customer service.

As Michael Saylor, the CEO of MicroStrategy, said, "By leveraging the expertise and resources of a white-label solution provider, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your app remains relevant and competitive."


Building an on-demand delivery app in 2024 is no longer a luxury. it's a necessity for businesses like yours that are looking to stay ahead in the game and meet the growing demand for convenient delivery services.

While the traditional approach of building from scratch offers complete control, it also comes with significant time, cost, and resource requirements. 

White-label solutions, on the other hand, provide a faster, more cost-effective, and scalable path to launching your on-demand delivery app.

By leveraging the expertise and resources of a reputable white-label provider like Yelowsoft, you can focus on your core business while ensuring your app stays up-to-date, customized, and competitive in the rapidly evolving on-demand delivery market.


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